The Different Types of News


A news report is a written or recorded piece of information regarding events that are happening in the world. Depending on the society in which it is circulating, the content of news is varying. It can also have different levels of interest in different societies.

In the 20th century, radio and television were important means of transmitting news. Today, the Internet has begun to play a similar role. As a result, blurring of boundaries has become a norm, and a new set of journalistic principles has been formed. These include:

News is not liberal propaganda. It should be accurate, informative, and brief. If it is not, it will be discarded. Similarly, it should not be a tool to spread communalism. However, it can be used for good purposes. For instance, it can provide people with information about governmental policies. Moreover, it can teach people.

One of the most common types of news is human interest stories. They usually involve emotions. People are interested in news about brotherhood, confrontation between groups, or about unusual events. Other popular news subjects are war, politics, crime, or show business.

On the other hand, there is another type of news, which has the opposite effect. This is called bad news. Bad news is generally negative, and has a lot of negative overtones. Moreover, it includes a greater loss of life. That creates a bigger impact on the readers.

Another kind of news is the magnitude story. Unlike the other two types, the magnitude story is perceived to be important in numbers.

The third type of news is entertainment. Typically, it includes a witty headline, humorous treatment, and interesting photographs. Entertainment stories can also include sex, showbusiness, and animals.

There is a special criterion for celebrity stories. Celebrity stories are generally about famous individuals, such as politicians or athletes. But if a person isn’t famous, he may still be interesting to the readers.

Lastly, there is the news value of exclusivity. Most newspapers focus on the news value of exclusivity. When an exclusive story is published, it is considered as being first. This news value is especially valuable when the audience is already familiar with the individual or company in question. During the crackdown of a government, the Internet can become a major news propagation channel.

Many scholars have analyzed the value of news. For example, Robert E. Park wrote an article entitled “News as a Form of Knowledge” in 1940. Stephen J. Milner, who is a historian of Renaissance Florence, wrote a paper on Town Criers and the Information Economy of Renaissance Florence.

Galtung and Ruge also studied the value of news. They expanded their research by studying a wide variety of newspapers. Their study found that news value was more pronounced in quality titles than in popular ones.

Other authors have suggested that the news value of a particular event is determined by the media that are being used to tell the story. Therefore, it is important to access both sides of the story.