Religion is a system of beliefs and values concerning what people consider sacred or spiritually significant. The term is often used to describe the practices of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, but also can be applied to a number of other systems of religious belief.
While the idea of a universal definition of religion is controversial, most scholars agree that it involves at least a basic set of beliefs and practices. These include the belief in a god or deities, some kind of sacrifice or worship, and a code of moral behavior. Religion also deals with a concept of the supernatural or spiritual, about forces or powers that are beyond human control.
Some scholars, particularly those interested in philosophy, have questioned the usefulness of a definition of religion, especially one that relies on mental states such as beliefs. These scholars argue that such a definition misses the point, as it does not account for the fact that religious beliefs are grounded in a social context and in particular institutions. They suggest that the idea of religion should therefore be understood as a taxon, a sort of category-concept that contains a wide range of different activities.
The notion of a religious taxon has led to two philosophical issues that are similar to those that have arisen for other abstract concepts that are used to sort cultural types, such as literature, democracy, or even the concept of culture itself. The first of these is whether it is possible to understand a religious taxon in terms of a necessary and sufficient set of properties. The second is whether it is better to treat it as a family-resemblance concept that is not defined by a single property.
Most scholars agree that religion began with primitive tribal rituals that were designed to keep the gods happy and to assuage man’s grief over losses. As these rituals evolved into more complex forms of ancestor and guardian worship, and later monotheism, they incorporated myths, or legendary stories, about the origin of the world.
More recently, anthropologists have suggested that there may be a biological reason for religion. The theory is that humankind’s awareness of death led to an attempt to find ways to avoid it or, failing that, to offer a way to survive after death.
Whatever the reasons for its formation, there is no doubt that religion plays a vital role in many people’s lives and should not be ignored by policymakers or by psychotherapists. To ignore religion is to neglect a vast source of personal and social resources, and it contributes to the failure of governments and communities to solve pressing problems such as poverty, war, drug addiction, illiteracy, and crime. Religious beliefs and practices are a major factor in the emotional stability of many people and help them to cope with the disappointments of life. They also help to knit societies together and to reduce individual and group dissatisfaction, anxiety, and prejudice.